Yoga for Releasing Anger - Part 2

2016-04-11 49

Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 (Director of Yoga Teacher Training at Aura Wellness Center) speaks to you about how you can use specific techniques to reduce stress and negative energy. The most important being that you must be happy with the method you choose.

Controlling Anger With Yoga

Yoga has a wide variety of health benefits that include reducing stress and improving the mood. If you have issues controlling your anger, then yoga is a great way to relax and calm the mind. Look for yoga classes in your community that offer beginners a low-impact workout. It is important that you start your yoga poses with flexibility exercises. Learn how to meditate to control your emotions and thoughts. Read everything you can about yoga including its history. Yoga goes back thousands of years and offers a truly interesting story.

Yoga Fitness Tips

It is important that you have a yoga mat to practice your sequences and poses. Wear clothing that is comfortable and not too tight such as yoga pants and shirt. There are many online shops that offer yoga gear at reduced prices. A yoga routine should be combined with a healthy diet to receive the maximum benefits. Eat fresh vegetables, fruits and foods rich in protein. It is important that you do not work out right before or after your yoga session.

Controlling Anger

Anger management with yoga poses offers you the ability to temporarily forget about your problems. After your yoga session is finished, you will feel happy and relaxed. The goal is to practice yoga on alternate days of the week for maximum benefits. You will find that after performing yoga poses for several weeks, you are more relaxed and less likely to get angry. Many people start an exercise program to calm their nerves. Yoga gives you self-control, energy, self-confidence and relaxation.

Start with a yoga class for beginners and move up to advanced classes within a few months. Most people who indulge in yoga training find it easy to maintain their ideal body weight. If you simply do not have time to attend a yoga class, then you can visit our channel and work out at home. This channel has poses for beginners and experienced students. Learn how to exercise to calm the mind and the body with meditation and yoga poses that have health benefits that last a lifetime.

More Ideas for Using Yoga to Manage Your Anger

Everybody gets angry, but as yoga practitioners, our goal is to keep our anger from controlling our behavior. Luckily, yoga itself is a powerful tool for managing anger. The following practices and poses can help you keep your anger in check.

1. The Three-Part Breath - The Three-Part Breath is one of the first breathing exercises taught to new yoga students. It purifies and energizes your body and relaxes your mind, which means it’s great for controlling anger.

Stand up straight and inhale through your nose, fully extending your abdomen. Once your abdomen is full, let the breath fill your rib cage. Once your rib cage is full, let the breath fill your chest. Exhale through your nose and mouth, and as you do, imagine all of your negative thoughts and emotions leaving your body. The length of the exhale should match the length of the inhale.

2. Corpse Pose - We typically end our yoga sessions with Corpse Pose; this pose can also put an end to your anger by calming your body and your mind.

Lay on your back with your arms down by your side, palms facing upward. Your legs should be lying straight in front of you, and you should allow your feet to fall gently to either side. Let your breathing fall into its natural rhythm.

3. Half-Sun Salutation - If your anger feels so out of control that lying still is impossible, try the Half-Sun Salutation

Stand up straight and keep your feet together. Your hands should be in “prayer position” in front of your chest. As you inhale, bring your arms up over your head and keep your gaze on your fingers. Push your waist out in front of you. Next, exhale and do a forward fold, bringing your palms to the floor and keeping your head tucked in. If you’re not able to keep your legs straight, it’s okay to bend your knees. Now inhale deeply and bring your body up into an upward forward fold. Your back should be straight, and your upper body should be parallel to the floor. Exhale and move back into the forward fold. Inhale and bring your body into a standing position. Raise your arms over your head and bring your palms together, keeping your gaze on your fingers. Finally, exhale and bring your arms down in front of you. Your hands should rest in front of your chest in prayer position.

We never want to repress our anger. Anger is energy; if we don’t let it move through us, it can remain in our bodies and fester like a wound. Practicing yoga helps us to keep our anger energy moving so that we can transmute it into something positive.

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