Lets Play Angry Birds EPIC Part 14: I HAVE NO FRIENDS! Pirate Coast Porktuga! (Face Cam Commentary)

2016-04-11 2

The Birds are at it again (dun, dun)\r
Why do I have no friends (dun, dun)\r
Well, thats all I have for a song, but enjoy Part 14 of Angry Birds EPIC!\r
Thumbs up if Dad should do an episode 15!\r
Check the other Angry Birds Epic Walkthrough w/ Commentary \r
Part 13: Mummy vs. Duddy: \r
Part 12: I QUIT! Thank Prince Porky Pig: \r
Part 11: Failey, Faile, Fail: \r
Pat 10: Southern Sea: Fight for Blues Key: \r
Part 9: Death to Smudjee: \r
Part 8: That was close!: \r
Part 7: Im the Bomb! Bird: \r
Part 6: Golden Fields: \r
PART 5: Matilda the Healer! Tough Monty + More Upgrades (iOS Face Cam) \r
Lets Play Angry Birds EPIC PART 4: Pyro Pig Battle + New Hats & Chuck Orb Upgrade (iOS Face Cam): \r
Beba Ba Leep Bop Beleeda Bop Pllllhhh!\r
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