主の愛が今 (SHUNO AIGA IMA) GOD'S LOVE NOW in English and Japanese VERSION 34

2016-04-07 1

Here's how to sing this song in an English-speaking country in order to create a mesmerizing sensation like that of the Japanese "Sukiyaki" song:Have a brilliant soloist, very likely a bright-voiced soprano, take the lead - singing only in Japanese. Then arrange for an English chorale to back her up adding in harmony only on the second line of English on-screen lyrics (including the pick-ups before the beat, too, in at least some cases). The English is built to rhyme as an almost perfect match/mirror of the Japanese sounds on only the second line or half of on-screen English lyrics. It creates a dazzling bilingual sensation, echoing the guitar's own rhythmic approach and meter as an accompaniment. Perhaps you could also display this video while all are singing so that the congregation understands exactly what is going on.