Server Room Cooling and Monitoring

2016-04-07 35

Why does rack temperature efficiency matter?
Optimize airflow, increase efficiency, prevent downtime and reduce operating costs.

Typically, server rack air exhaust temperatures hit 115 Fahrenheit / 45 Celsius. That’s a 30 degree F / 20 degree C differential between rack inlet and rack exhaust temperatures.

In under an hour, a data center which is not monitored or adequately cooled can experience temperature fluctuations of 30-40 degrees. Fluctuations in temperature need to be monitored and dealt with.

Cooling makes up approximately 40% of all operating costs in a data center environment. Adequately monitoring and controlling air temperature and humidity levels can lead to a 25% reduction in cooling costs.

How do we do this?

Increase thermal efficiency with hot and cold aisle containment systems separate hot and cold air streams. This means that the air cannot mix. The cold air remains a stable temperature to meet the requirements of the data center load.

Adequately monitoring rack environmental conditions helps to mitigate downtime entirely. Active Alerts and Notifications such as email, sms and snmp traps can forewarn data center administrative teams that temperatures are rising above predefined levels.

Monitoring the ecosystem of your data centers allows you to operate a peak efficiency and fall within ASHREA recommended safe zones in all parts of your data center.

Environmental monitoring of racks is an essential part of server room diagnostics. Knowing what the temperature and humidity of the rack is helps you to adjust CRAC set points. This saves money on cooling costs and betters the PUE of your server room.

When you’re an IT professional, there’s nothing more painful that losing critical information, experiencing downtime, and having to replace equipment that’s vital to your company. By instituting smart, calculated cooling tactics, you may be able to sidestep these data center dangers.

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