God informs us in the Quran that we can marry Jewish women and eat their food

2016-04-05 4

ADNAN OKTAR: "Don't become friends with a Jew." You are contradicting yourselves to begin with. Don't become friends with a Jew. So, why did our Prophet (saas) married a Jewish woman? According to you, Our Prophet (saas) committed an unlawful act. First of all, explain this. Why did Our Prophet (saas) married a Jewish woman? She is his wife. Doesn't it also mean that she is also his friend? And a very good one at that. You have to explain this to me first. If they won't, then I will not respond further to any of their statements. They have no idea about the Quran or Islam. God doesn't want us to make them administrators, governors. Walayatun; meaning governor, administrator in Arabic. In other words, God says "Don't give them a position of authority." It is impossible anyway. You cannot assign a Muslim prime minister to Israel. They cannot assign a Jewish prime minister to a Muslim country either. Because these are two distinct beliefs. Besid

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