Welcome To Pray-Pray Program-Home Page Pray

2016-04-02 9

Pray Program

Welcome to Pray Program

Pray For All is a Spiritual Platform where we say welcome to all mankind. The Spiritual Leaders of Pray For All provide the guideline to all needy people. Our Spiritual Network allows the followers of all religions to share their Problems with the Spiritualists of Pray For All through Online Istikhara Form or Pray Program Form. We are striving hard to help the humanity only to win the Pleasure of God. The basic purpose behind these efforts is to teach People the importance of Pray. None can deny the significance and benefits of Pray; each religion teaches to followers the greatness, importance, benefits and Power of Pray. A train of messengers came in this world to introduce us this word “Pray”. Even they did show us that pray is the only way which leads toward heaven. There are multiple pray books in the libraries of world which highlight the miracles and Power of Pray.

God created this most beautiful universe when there was nothing save Him. After the creation of this wonderful universe, Divine Teachers came in this Charming Universe and manifested us the Presence of God. They taught us that God is the Owner of this lovely world so we should bow down before our God who is active all time. He is operating this great universe and the Protector of His all slaves. God is the owner of life and death, He descended multiple blessings only for human beings, and then how can we deny the greatness of God. All the Prophets of God advised us to realize that we should say thanks to God for all these facilities. Then they did introduce this word “Pray” to humanity and then humans felt the need of Pray and begin to Praise God. After the Introduction of Pray, Prophets of God guided the humankind that they can forward their pray request to God for getting all that which they need in their life. When mankind started to send Pray to God with full of love and believe, they received the quick approval of their Prayers........

Pray Program: http://www.pray.net.pk/shop/pray-program/

Pray For All: http://prayforall.weebly.com/

Pray All World: http://prayallworld.blogspot.com/