diabetes symptoms cure - Diabetes Prevention - Taking Control of Your Diabetes

2016-04-02 4

diabetes symptoms cure - Diabetes Prevention - Taking Control of Your Diabetes
Controlling your diabetes has never been easier thanks to continuous glucose monitoring systems Join Dr Steven Edelman as he explains the ins and out of this breakthrough technology and speaks with patients who employ these monitors in their daily lives Series Taking Control of Your Diabetes (TCOYD) [82010] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID 18521]
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Dealing with the diagnosis of diabetes and the details of the daily grind can be overwhelming Finding balance is essential to healthy living Clinical psychologist Dr Bill Polonsky, joins our host Dr Steven Edelman to discuss mon emotional pitfalls that get in the way of diabetes management and what can be done about them Series Taking Control of Your Diabetes (TCOYD) [112010] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID 18522]