B 52 Stratofortress Takes Off @ RAF Fairford, England

2016-03-28 2

B-52 Stratofortress from Minot AFB, ND takes off for the last BALTOPS 15 mission at RAF Fairford, England. Video by A1C Lauren OConnor | 2nd Bomb Wing .
United States Air Force Boeing B-52H Stratofortress, serial 60-0047, callsign Icer 11 of the 69th Bomb Squadron Knighthawks based at Minot Air Force Base, .
B52 serial no 0018, takes off from runway 09 at 0600hrs on 11th June 2015. The Stratofortress then returned shortly after 1230hrs and underwent some pattern .

Rusian Supersonik Bomber Tupolev TU160 Blackjack === Specifications (B-52H) Boeing B-52 .