Fallout 4 - E3 2015 Pip Boy Gameplay Demo. Don't forget to thumbs up, comment and subscribe.
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About the Game:
Bethesda has confirmed Fallout 4 is coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC and released an in-game trailer for the game revealing it's set in Boston. It's avaialbe for pre-order on Amazon.
The trailer, which you can see below, brings to an end years of speculation and rumours about the highly-anticipated title and gives glimpses at the expansive world we'll be traversing. It also includes the infamous tagline "War. War never changes" said by Ron Perlman.
The trailer confirms reports the next entry in the franchise will take place in The Commonwealth - the fictional universe's version of Massachusetts that’s been referenced in prior games. In Fallout 3 side quest The Replicated Man, players encounter a scientist named Dr. Zimmer who comes from The Commonwealth, a “war-ravaged quagmire of violence and despair” where he notes he and his colleagues created androids that have escaped and are running wild. Zimmer also references The Institute, which it seems is a future version of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
The Commonwealth also contains the Railroad, which runs in direct opposition to the Institute and aims to rescue the androids that have been created. A branch of the Commonwealth Police known as the Synth Retention Bureau is in charge of capturing androids that have escaped from the Institute.
Bethesda’s Fallout 3 was released in 2008 and took place in a war-ravaged version of Washington DC, with expansions adding Pittsburgh and Maryland. Follow-up Fallout: New Vegas was developed by Obsidian in 2010 and was set in a future version of Nevada.
Bethesda has confirmed we'll be seeing gameplay at its E3 press conference on June 14, and Todd Howard has once again returned to direct.