Spooky's House of Jump Scares - 7/7 - The End... for now

2016-03-25 1

Well, here it is. The end, sort of.

Turns out the game isn't complete. Which I didn't know because I was trying to avoid spoilers so I read very little about it.

The version of the game I have been playing is 2.3 and there is a more recent 2.5 version. I don't know if I will play the newer one or wait to play it after some more updates. If people request it, I will play it but otherwise I will probably wait until a later or even the completed version.

There are a few new things in the 2.5 version but the game doesn't work quite right if you try to move the save over (later in the video I try it so you can see what happens, it's kind of fun in its' own way). There is a least one new monster and some things along the way (the video shows one of them).

You can play it for free here: http://gamejolt.com/games/adventure/spooky-s-house-of-jump-scares/36962/

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