Lush Manufacturing Presents: Fair Trade Honey Shampoo

2016-03-25 3 Whats all the buzz about our Fairly Traded Honey Shampoo? Sasha and Arnel give us the lowdown on this sweet sudser made with beautiful fairly traded honey .\r
Our factory staff have been busy bees whizzing up loads of the Fair Trade Honey Shampoo. Made with literally tons of ethically sourced honey, it gently cleans .\r
Want a sweet treat for your hair? Look no further than our Fairly Traded Honey shampoo! Made with more than 50% rich and conditioning honey, your hair will .\r
Want to know whats in our Fair Trade Honey shampoo? Well give you a hint. Its quite possibly the only thing sweeter than Erica Vega (and her very descriptive .