2016-03-24 5 - Subscribe to Clevver Music! - Visit our website! - Facebook Fan Page! - Follow Us!The Pop Apocalypse is upon us. Lady Gaga and Katy Perry team up, but its not for a duet! Well explain. Thanks for tuning back in to ClevverMusic with all your breaking music news. Over the weekend Katy Perrys anticipated new single "Roar" was leaked online in full, much to her dismay. Annnnd coincidentally Lady Gaga faced the same torture with a 20 second snippet of her new song "Applause" making its way around the internet. Luckily, the pop ladies could be there for one another for some support. The popsters jointly vented their frustration at the frustrating hacking. Gaga started the Twitter rant on Saturday with, "Lord, in HEAVEN WHY" and then "YOU JUST COULDNT WAIT THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR ONE SATURDAY". Next, enters Katy into the equation.Gaga tweeted to her pal Katy, "Wanna grab some shovels and f---k up some hackers? @katyperry excited to hear your ROAR, sorry to hear about your truck!" Um Gaga, we dont think you condone violence so we know that shovel comment was just a joke. And the truck shes referring to in the tweet is Katys gold "Prism" semi-truck that was involved in a crash over the weekend in Pennsylvania due to a drunk driver. Dont drink and drive you guys. Ok, back to the rant. Of course Katy replied to Gaga saying, "@ladygaga what a WILD weekend so far... claws out, paws up! Looking forward to puttin my hands up & making them touch too!" So is Katy Perry a Little Monster? All signs point to yes! Paws up! So cute to see them supporting each others new tunes. Now if only their fan bases the Katycats and Little Monsters could do the same. Katy retweeted Gagas call to action asking fans, "Lets make 2013 a year where music/talent/artistry is more important than gossip/fanwars I respect all fanbases 4 their passion #BeTheChange". So we look to you guys out there for your help. Lets all listen and comment in harmony and support our favorite artists without bashing each other. Competition can be healthy and create better music for all. And as a treat, Gaga actually released her "Applause" song early, so we received both new singles today August 12th! Enjoy the music gifts and tell us below how you are going to be part of the positive movement for peaceful fanbases. Thank you so much for watching ClevverMusic every single day, Im Misty Kingma see you soon with more where this came from.