Trying to Kill Yoda in GTA V is HARD! (GTA5 Voice Trolling!)

2016-03-28 25 The following was taken from a recent live-stream where after blasting his terrible music into the mic, Yoda calls a self-proclaimed OG a bitch while working a .\r
As seen on community channels like EugeneYackle, TrollarchOffice, VideoGames, CodComedy Bryson, GTA 5 Videos, CoDTrolling Cloud, FirstPersonTroller, .\r
Yodas not really feeling the Christmas season this year and instead decides to go into a GTA 5 lobby to start some shit! Theres more than just chestnuts getting .\r
Life as a Crime Dog in the city is hard. It can be even harder when smartass squeakers are putting $9k bounties on your head! Fortunately for McGruff the Crime .