Muslim imam orders Muslims to massacre non-Muslims, or kafirs (kuffars)

2016-03-23 9

Muslim imam orders Muslims to massacre non-Muslims, or infidels, by dismembering with knives, stabbing with poisonous daggers, paralyzing them, blowing them up with explosives and suicide belts. Gaza Strip.
Muslims, especially Palestinian ones, have been heavily brainwashed, incited & trained since toddler stage to be future killers & terrorists.

Preschool girl brainwashed by bloodthirsty Palestinian Muslim parents say "I want to stab a Jew"

Muslim kids play beheading Christians

Brainwashing and Devilization of Palestinian Muslim children by Islam

Bloodthirsty Palestinian Muslim witch in U.S. defends & calls for stabbing of Jews.

Daily Palestinian children TV program brainwashes Muslim preschool kids to murder Jews (as if their growing up in the Islamic death rape cult in and by itself is not poisonous enough to young minds already)

Brainwashed, bloodthirsty Palestinian Muslim kid feels happy over news of Jews being stabbed.

Bloodthirsty Palestinian Muslim cleric preaches violent jihad against non-Muslim infidels upcoming Muslim conquest of Rome, Paris, Washington D.C.

Bloodthirsty Palestinian Muslim mother praises dead terrorist son & proudly shows a knife, planning to kill Jews herself.

Palestinian Muslim mother of patient jeers Israeli doctors for believing that life is precious

Palestinian Muslim terrorists Hamas using children as human shields

Palestinian Muslims went on stabbing spree, a sample. Israel. Jan-Feb 2016.