Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice Comic Con Trailer reaction mashup epic video

2016-03-22 19

I wasnt sure if I wanted to do this again after seeing first bVs teaser like 1000 times..\r
But once this trailer was released, I did not hesitate to watch this as many times as possible.\r
Do you know whats more exciting however? Finding same people who have same enthusiasm for this movie.\r
I find myself reviewing all the reaction videos and carefully selecting people who share \r
very excitement and reaction that I have.\r
As always, if you are on my video and you do not like it, first, I am sorry and then I will proceed to edit \r
the video so that you are not on it.(Once again, I apologize).\r
If you are on this video and its ok, I thank you deeply as I really enjoy watching each of your reaction\r
and really relive the moment that I watch the trailer for the first time.\r
Some of you did ask me if I was going to do reaction mashup for other movies.\r
I can say this. Until BvS comes out, there will be no other reaction mashup from me other than\r
possibly another major update to trailer(perhaps in this winter).\r
I love watching mashup from other people and it is inspiring to see them do so well that makes me want to try. I am no professional like others but I try to pick people with same excitement level to subject that I love to talk about and watch it on the big screen.\r
My top 3 super heroes always has been batman/superman(in no particular order) and spiderman is distant 3. In female super hero, it was always WW. They BETTER make WW look cool as hell.(Trailer was spot on). I was always worried about Gal Gadot(being super skinny), but this trailer really erased my doubt and now I have no doubt she will kick ass(along w/ Mr. Syner, who really knows how to make people shine in best possible way).\r
I might continue to look for reaction videos for this movie and come up w/ part 2 in near future.\r
I really want to be part of this history and I hope we all can be part of it.\r
I look forward to everyones reaction and I hope to do more in very near future.\r
PS:Hopefully phased out middle part with full trailer does not interfere from enjoying the mashup. Original intention was for audience to still feel like they are watching full trailer in bigger scale while their focus remain on all the users reacting to the video. Hopefully it didnt take away much from enjoying the video and if possible, try to brighten your screen little bit to see if it becomes better. I apologize in advance and I will certainly make note of it from any of my future releases.\r
PS2: I repeat this over and over again. I do not make any money from this and I do not look for make money from this. Just super hyped about being part of this history!!\r
Link to Original Trailer in HD : \r
I am going to try to list everyones original video here as well:\r
Mamba Jumbo\r
Bunny Girl\r
Nics & Nacs \r
Movie Hoppers\r
Tom Spartans\r
Thank Keezy\r
7)Jerome Smithy\r
Jose G Alvarez\r
Tim Siregar\r
Reel Rejects\r
Tyrone Magnus\r
13) \r
Tree Guys\r
Jol-El Alexandre\r
ChainSaw Reacts\r
Sup Tho Bros\r
Joey Escebedo\r
Allan Rochez\r