2016-03-22 24 - Subscribe to Clevver Music! - Visit our website! - Facebook Fan Page! - Follow Us!Lady Gaga accuses blogger Perez Hilton of stalking her and their feud gets out of control, heres all the details. Little Monsters welcome back to ClevverMusic, Happy Monday. Or is it? It all started on Friday August 16th when Gaga cryptically tweeted, "Still have the text Perez send me of me in a wheelchair w the words KARMA written across + Madonna pointing a gun at me. Day of my accident". And then on Sunday August 18th things got weird. Gaga accused Perez of stalking her New York apartment (although Gaga wasnt home at the time). She asked fans if it was true and the war escalated after fans reportedly confirmed Perez had been checking out the building, to potentially rent an apartment. Gaga tweeted, "STAY AWAY FROM ME + MY FAMILY YOU ARE SICK TRYING TO RENT AN APARTMENT IN MY BUILDING TO STALK ME. LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" She continued in another tweet, "DO I NEED TO BE SHOT IT IN THE HEAD FOR PEOPLE TO UNDERSTAND THAT HIM AND EVERYONE ELSE THAT HARASSES ME HAS GONE TOO FAR? IM A HUMAN BEING." Perez didnt immediately respond to these tweets, but released an official statement on his website saying, "My heart hurts that my former very good friend Lady GaGa, a person I used to call my wifey and traveled the world with, is making very public and very untrue allegations about me on Twitter. While it is still too painful for me to go into detail about why I chose to no longer maker her a part of my life, I will say that I am a critic and not a stalker..." and ended the statement with a word to Gagas Little Monsters, "...they should buy her music instead of sending me death threats." This of course, set Gaga off further prompting her to tweet a response to the statement, "YOU ARE A LIAR I KEPT EVERY PSYCHOTIC TEXT U SENT TO MY PHONE. I NEVER RESPONDED +NOW YOUVE STALKED MY HOME. BOY WHO CRIED WOLF". Thats when Perez directly started to respond to Gaga, he said, "Its also apparent youre using a public forum like Twitter to address a private matter, just to get publicity for your song." Ouch, thats a low blow Perez and probably not going to make your situation better. Perez has since been receiving countless death threats from Little Monsters, which we have to say, is not cool you guys. These tweets were followed by more back and forth between Gaga and Perez, with Perez claiming Gaga actually hurt him very badly and asserts the truth will come out eventually. But what truth is he talking about? On Carson Dalys radio show this morning Perez again talked about the beef, saying he hopes she gets better and wishes her happy health insinuating she is not well somehow. But it looks to us like shes healthier than ever, now using yoga and meditation in her life. Honestly we are kinda surprised this feud has gone so far, Gaga does not usually condone hatefulness or bullying so there must be a really good reason she wishes to expose Perez Hilton. A source tells E! news that Perez was in New York and was scheduled to see an apartment in Gagas building but he did not know she lived there. The two had a falling out earlier this year after he sent her a hateful "KARMA" text message. We arent sure exactly what else happened that ended the bestie friendship, but if you know something tell us below in the comments. And should Gaga expose the text he sent her the day of her accident? So much to talk about below, so get at it. Thank you so much for watching your Monster news here on Clevvermusic, Im Misty Kingma see you soon with more music news.