National Dairy Development Board - Effluent Treatment Plant

2016-03-21 64

Assignment Name: Providing consultancy services for Expansion / Up gradation of Existing Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) / New ETP for Banas - III Dairy Project
Country: India
Location Within country: Palanpur , Gujarat
Name of client: National Dairy Development Board (NDDB)
Address: Anand

Narrative Description:

NDDB was undertaking the expansion project of Banas Dairy at Palanpur. Banas dairy project comprises of three plants viz. Banas I, Banas II which are existing and Bans III which is proposed new facilities. The expansion of Banas III project is for putting up the expansion of dairy by increasing the milk handling and processing facilities, butter handling facilities, milk powder and ice-cream plant. Banas- I and Banas- II were handling 16.5 lac lit/day of milk handling and processing and also having butter handling milk powder, UHT milk, ghee and flavored milk processing operations. The future expansion of Banas- III would handle 12 lac lit/day of milk along with butter and milk powder and there will be also product expansion at Banas- I and Banas- II including paneer and cheese.

Banas Dairy has put up full- fledged effluent treatment plant to handle the effluents generated from Banas – I and Banas – II. The proposed Banas – III project will also generate the effluent which has to be treated as per the State Pollutopn Control Board's Norms.
The ETP plant put up is for 3500cu.m/day of effluent, which is the highest effluent generation in Asia for any Dairy. The total cost of the effluent treatment plant was Rs 4.85 crores. The inlet COD was 4000 mg/l and the treated effluent COD achievd is 100 mg/l. The existing effluent units were augmented.

The Biggest achievement is the installation of anaerobic sludge digested for the handling of the chemical and biological sludge. This is the first of its kind for industrial effluent. The gas generation is continuous and is around 3000 cu.m / day. For the anaerobic system, gas-mixing system is provided.