Predator Warpaint - Made by Warriors for Warriors

2016-03-20 9

I served as a Navy SEAL for over 10 years, taking part in deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan. During our missions, we would camo up, travel to our hide site, and execute our orders. However, by the time we made it there, we’d already sweated off most of the paint.

What’s worse, I’d return with burnt and blistered skin from having been out in the sun all day. We never thought to apply sunscreen. We thought we were protected, but we weren't.

Predator Warpaint was born out of a glaring need to make a better product in an industry that has failed to innovate. Current camo products leaves you exposed to the sun. They do nothing to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. You get burned which can lead to skin cancer down the line. The problem was obvious, camo face paint should do more than just conceal.

The answer was simple. We leveraged the latest in sunscreen technology to provide a superior product that protects the user from the sun and doesn’t need to be reapplied during high perspiration activities.

We created Predator Warpaint.

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