It is not necessary for a Prophet to be free and innocent from every lie. [Tasfiyatul ‘Aqaa’id], pg 25]
Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi:
The book Tasfiyatul ‘Aqaa’id written by Muhammad Qasim Nanotwi is published by Saiyyid Ahmad owner Kutub Khana Aziziaa Deoband issued from Kutub Khana Aziziaa Deoband. On its page 25 he writes his sentence:
It is wrong to think that lies as sin are against the prestige of Nabuwat and Prophets are free of all sins. Means it is utter mistake to consider the Prophets innocent. Imagine they are denying the innocence of the Prophets that is a part of our basic beliefs but they are denying the Prophets’ honor.