Allaah Ta'alaa has no prior knowledge about the future deeds of human beings and Allaah Ta'aalaa comes to know only when they act or they have done something … by “Tafseer Bulghatul Haieraan” page 157, 158.
Allamah Maulana Kaukab Noorani:
This reference of Tafseer Bulghatul Haieraan that you just read I also present the book to you. This Tafseer Bulghatul Haieraan fi Rabt e Aayat ul Qur’aan, is the name of book. Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi’s disciple and Ghulam Khan from Rawalpindi whom he called Ghulam Ullah’s teacher Hussain Ali from Wan Bhuchraan wrote this book named Tafseer Bulghatul Haieraan fi Rabt e Aayat ul Qur’aan, was published by Himayat e Islaam Press. Here you can see the word Wan Bhuchran, Mianwali here.
He belonged to Mianwaali and issued the book from there. On page… which is the page? Page 157??
Maulana Qari Muhammad Jahangir Naqshbandi:
Page 157 and 158
Maulana Kaukab Noorani Okarvi:
This is the page 157, they say here that human being is independent to do good or not and Allaah Ta'alaa has no prior knowledge that what they would do and Allaah Ta'alaa comes to know when they do it. It is clearly said here that Deobandi-Wahaabe’s believe that Allaah Ta'alaa has no prior knowledge about human beings’ actions and HE comes to know it when they actually do it. I have given this reference too in my Book.This is the believe of Wahaabee Deobandi,Tableeghi Beliefs [Aqeedah]