Opposition meets UN envoy on day two of Syria peace talks in Geneva

2016-03-15 13

After talks with Syrian government representatives, it is time to meet the opposition.

On day two of a new round of negotiations in Geneva, the UN special envoy for Syria is hoping to make progress towards a concrete peace plan.

The surprise news of a partial withdrawal of Russian forces from Syria has been cautiously welcomed at the talks.

An opposition spokesman Salim al-Muslat told Euronews: “We have to be sure about the nature of this decision and what it means.

“If there is a decision to pull out troops then that is positive. But we have to see that translated on the ground”.

The envoy has a difficult job, with a range of issues that have put a stop to previous peace efforts.

Omar Kouch, a specialist in Syrian affairs, told Euronews: “Once we see the results of these first meetings, then we will know if the negotiations will go on, which means a roadmap put in place by Mistura based on the first Geneva plan, and if that doesn’t happen, they will call off the talks.”