Destiny: Tuesday Weekly Reset Guide. Everything you need to know about the changeover.

2016-03-15 1

Its Reset Tuesday, March 15th and its that time of the week where Destiny Nerds like myself get all school girl giggly over the refreshing of rewards and playlists! If youre curious about all the changes this Reset, dont fly all over the place looking for things 1 by 1. Check it out here! I cover EVERYTHING that changes on Tuesdays. Shaxx Bounties, Court of Oryx Bosses, Raid Challenge, Nightfall(+modifiers) Reef Bounties and more! So take a look and be the first to know, the easy way!

If you want to stay up to date on everything Destiny, The Division and Sly Nation. Twitter is THE best place to do so ! Follow @Sly_Nation or become a CitiZ-N by subscribing here on my YouTube Channel. I always welcome fellow passionate gamers. Lets build up this awesome little community;)

If you have any questions hit me up in the box below, and untill next time....Seeya!

Be Sly, Stay Sly, Become Legend.