A look at the current state of affairs in the Muslim world, how Wahhabism hijacked mainstream Islam and for whom God actually constituted mainstream Islam.
- Wahhabism, in the guise of Islam, has been propagated all over the world. Outside the Middle East, chances are that the Muslims you meet are Wahhabis. Mainstream Islam hasn't been the state religion of any country. Wahhabism is the state religion of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain.
- Islam was never meant to be a global religion. It was a regional religion aimed at guiding the Arabs. Islamic Sharia was never compatible with any other nation besides the Arabs.
- The commandments of the Quran are very strict, in accordance with the nature of Arabs. Islamic Sharia was meant to discipline them. If they were not punished strictly, they would see it as weakness and they would be encouraged to commit even more severe crimes.
- When God constitutes a religion for certain people, before the law is given to the prophet, God keeps in view the temperament of the nation.
- Many people in the West fear the radical Muslims, however, their problem is that they are not inclined to call upon Jesus for help. Atheists in the West must know: learning the Quran has nothing to do with terrorism but it's being used as an instrument to train terrorists.
- After the rise of ISIS, it seemed Taliban was less cruel and aggressive. The time is not far when we'll see a new Islamic threat from Iran. Iran wants to colonise South East Asia; Shia Muslim in these countries are religiously and politically controlled by Iran. No Muslim country is as against Israel as Iran. It's no lesser than ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban. The West should cut off all relations with Iran.
- Iran's concept of Imam Mehdi is concocted and fabricated. Imam Mehdi does not hate anybody; he will not kill anyone. He represents love.