GOP Running Scared - Las Vegas deadlier than Manhattan

2016-03-14 4

15 Dirty Tricks The GOP Establishment Can Use to Stop Donald Trump

Below are a list of tactics that Establishment Republicans may use to block the nomination of Donald Trump. Yes, I know. If they succeed they will not win the White House but many in the establishment will make just as much money under a Democrat insider as they will with a Republican insider. So they may not care.

All they may want to do is send the message to any future “outsider” candidate, “This is our party and you need our approval to participate. If you try to do this without us we will destroy you.”

Meet the Republicans speaking out against Trump

onald Trump’s march to the Republican nomination has forced a crisis in the party, as a growing list of GOP elected officials and top strategists are stepping forward to declare their opposition to Trump’s candidacy. Some are even threatening to vote for his Democratic rival instead come November. On Twitter, #NeverTrump has become a way for party stalwarts to voice their dissatisfaction.
Opposition to the billionaire front-runner had been boiling under the surface for weeks before bursting open in recent days after Trump initially refused to denounce former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke in an interview with CNN. “If a person wants to be the nominee of the Republican Party, there can be no evasion and no games. They must reject any group or cause that is built on bigotry,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said in a press conference Tuesday. While Ryan has stopped short of saying he would refuse to support Trump in the general election, other Republicans have shown no such hesitation.

‘Welcome to Greenleaf, Idaho. This is Not a Gun Free Zone’

Welcome to Greenleaf, Idaho. This is Not a Gun Free Zone.” That’s what the signs posted around one small Idaho town of just under 900 residents say.

The sign shows off the community’s pro-gun stance and sends a message to anyone intending to cause trouble. And even though the last signs have only been posted for a short time, Greenleaf continues to grow, with five warning signs, one posted at every entrance to the township.

“There’s a right place for guns,” said resident Kelly McBride, reports KBOI. “A place that they can be used. We should have the right to protect ourselves from criminals and hopefully these kind of signs deter crime in the long run.”

Las Vegas deadlier than Manhattan: Saving pedestrian lives on our streets

Consider an activity so dangerous it resulted in an average of one death every six days last year in the Las Vegas Valley.

Sixty people killed and dozens more hospitalized, many with critical injuries.

Knowing the risk, would you take it?

Chances are, you already do — every time you cross a street.

The 60 fatalities were pedestrians on Clark County roads. They died in crosswalks and open lanes of traffic, at all hours of the day and night, struck by vehicles ranging in size from coupes to buses.
Walking has become one of the perils of living in Las Vegas. In 2012, the last full year for which national statistics are available, pedestrians died at a higher rate in Clark County than in the counties that include Manhattan, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Atlanta, Houston, Chicago and Dallas.

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