Kingsleigh Primary School - School Extension

2016-03-14 5

Bournemouth Borough Council, like many other local authorities around the country have had to accommodate year on year increases in pupil numbers starting in reception class due to population growth in the UK. Modulek successfully tendered to design and build the 1700m permanent modular and traditional extension to the existing school in Harlow Road, Boumemouth.
Constructed in just over 6 months, the new building consists of 16 classrooms, changing rooms, a full commercial kitchen able to serve 800 children, a large staff room and toilet and shower facilities. The new hall has a seating capacity of nearly 1000; the largest primary school hall in the area.
The works completed by Modulek didn't stop at the new building. External works completed for the contract included the reinstatement of the sports field, hard play areas including a MUGA, all drainage and 5e1Vice connections, all fencing, road and landscaping works. Modulek also redeveloped an existing courtyard to provide the school with a new library.

The building was officially opened Conor Burns MP at the official opening held on Friday 6th February 2015.'