Cops pepper spray Trump protesters at rally in Kansas City

2016-03-14 17

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI — More mayhem descended on a Donald Trump campaign rally, this time in Kansas City, Missouri.

Protesters, possibly hoping to take a page from those who shut down a recent Trump rally in Chicago, assembled in droves Saturday night outside The Midland Theatre. Kansas City police, posting on the department's official Twitter feed, noted that "We had to use pepper spray 2 times outside Trump rally and arrested 2 people who refused to follow law."

It's possible KC cops did what they needed to do to maintain order on the evening of March 12, 2016, but all this nastiness is getting downright un-American.

Politicians and their followers have the right to say, even at great volume, pretty much anything they want to say. And so do you. It's called freedom of speech, which as long as it stays peaceful, is an American right.

Americans will not and should not be silent about their political positions, but those who push the discourse towards violence are betraying the freedoms of the nation they profess to love. Liberals, Conservatives or "others" have all been victims and victimizers in this aggressive election cycle, which we can't wait to be over.

Let's hope freedom of speech doesn't become the biggest casualty of the nastiness of 2016.


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