Persian/Iranian people celebrate the last Wednesday of year called ancient Persian festival of fire or Chahar Shanbeh SUri around the world. Chaharshanbeh Suri ( چهار شنبه سوری ) has its roots in ancient Zoroastrian fire festival, it is still maintained in Persian societies all over the world. Chaharshanbeh Suri, bonfires are made in the streets and some times in the yards. Based on Zoroastrian tradition the number of bonfires at any one place should be three representing the three holy values including: Good thoughts, Good words, and Good deeds. A bonfire can also be made in a single spot and this would symbolize unity and solidarity of Ahura. Sorkhie to az man, Zardieh man az to, literally means your redness (health) is mine, my paleness (pain) is yours. This phrase is whispered in Chaharshanbeh Suri, ancient purification ritual, while people jump over the fire.