All America's Wars Begin with False Flags (and WWIII Will Too)

2016-03-12 7

Robber Barons and their cohorts hijacked American news media and the diplomatic apparatus early in the twentieth century. This has been accomplished mainly to help the British in their alliance with the Khazars, to re-establish Britain's one great global empire - this time sharing the power with Talmudic Khazars. Since then, The US has been in a nearly constant state of war. The standard practice, has been to use "false flag" attacks, to con the American public into supporting otherwise illegal and unpopular wars. In a false flag, the nation desiring war, stages a faked attack (using a faked identity of the attacker), essentially creating a faked news story. This faked news is meant to 'frame' the desired opponent - much the same way that a cop might use planted evidence.

This is how almost all US wars have been started, for the past 110 years or so. In this stunning admission, we see that the criminals in our government intend to continue using this method.

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