GTA V ATM Robbery (Random Event)

2016-03-12 27

This is one of the recurrent random events, meaning that you can have the same event more than once, also there are a few locations for these to happen around San Andreas, so keep an eye for these events.
As in most random events you have two choices get the thief and keep the money ($500) or be a nice guy and return the money to it's owner and get a small 10% reward and sometimes your special skill meter refilled. Like I said before there are a couple of events like these around the map, most of them are just thieves trying to escape on foot but there are a couple that have vehicles like this one, although these have no special properties (ex: unique colors).
Note that there are a few other events similar called Muggings that are not to be mistaken with this ones as the rewards are different and count also as different random events.
Also keep in mind that the same kind of random events can only be triggered after a few in-game days (usually 2-3 days), meaning now it will take a few days for another ATM robbery to show, so either wait for them to happen or skip time by spleeping in the safehouses. But take note that once you have completed an ATM Robbery Random Event no longer these will count for the 100% as it only counts once for the 14 needed events.

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