Sharing Memories of General Baker, Jr. after scattering some of his ashes at CUMC - Snippet (1/5)

2016-03-12 2

Snippet 1 of 5\r
Featured Speaker: Maureen Taylor, Chairperson, Michigan Welfare Rights Organization (MWRO).\r
This video clip was recorded on Sunday September 6, 2015 during the “Celebrating the Life of General Gordon Baker Jr. (09/06/1941 - 05/18/2014) - Scattering of Ashes and Reception” Event at Central United Methodist Church (CUMC) located at 23 E Adams Ave, Detroit, MI. \r
General Baker was a labor organizer/educator/historian and a founder of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers and the Detroit Revolutionary Union Movement (DRUM). \r
“General Gordon Baker Jr. of Detroit is one of the most significant 20th century revolutionaries. On Sunday, May 18, 2014 he passed away. An intellectual of immense gravity, Gen Baker was loved and respected across the ideological spectrum. His life covered 60 years of activity, inspiring two generations of revolutionaries with his advocacy for social and political revolution.” - Carolyn Baker, “The Evolution of a Revolutionary” on Facebook - 08/19/2014.\r
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