Cyclist nearly gets hit by car, then talks viewers through the experience

2016-03-10 7

Helmet-cam footage a young cyclist nearly getting hit by a car and then talking viewers through the experience afterwards while he continues to ride.

The video, filmed in Queensland, Australia on Tuesday, shows a car poking out of a junction as the cyclist approaches before slamming on the brakes, forcing the cyclist to swerve to avoid the crash.

He later wrote online: "I was riding to work on a Tuesday morning following all the road rules and sticking to the designated bike lane (I usually ride in the car lane because it's safer) when I've watched a car driver not look before attempting to pull out in front of me.

"Luckily I am a very vigilant rider and saw this unfold in front of me and had enough time to yell at the driver forcing her to slam on her brakes and let me through."