Why Do We Like Our Own Farts

2016-03-10 14

Your farts may smell like roses...to you!
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Written by Rachel Salt, Mitchell Moffit and Greg Brown

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Created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz).

Further Reading--

Levitt, M.D., et al., Evaluation of an extremely flatulent patient. The American Jouranl of Gastroenterology, 1998. 93(11): p. 2276-2281

McBurney, D.H., J.M. Levine, and P.H. Cavanaugh, Psychophysical and social ratings of human body odor. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1976. 135(3): p. 135-138.

Case, T.I., B.M. Repacholi, and R.J. Stevenson, My baby doesn't smell as bad as yours: The plasticity of disgust. Evolution and Human Behaviour, 2005. 27: p. 357-365.

Curtis, V., R. Aunger, and T. Rabie, Evidence that disgust evolved to protect from risk of disease. Proceedings of the Royal Society, 2004. 271: p. 130-134.

Hart, B.L., Behavioural adaptations to pathogens and parasites: five strategies. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 1990. 14: p. 273-294.

Haidt, J., C. McCauley, and P. Rozin, Individual differences in sensitivity to disgust: a scale sampling seven domains of disgust elicitiors. Personality and Individual Differences, 1994. 16(5): p. 701-713.

Somerville, L.H., T.F. Heatherton, and W.M. Kelley, Anterior cingulate cortex responds differently to expectancy violations and social rejections. Nature Neuroscience, 2006. 9(8): p. 1007-1008.

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