Steve Wozniak on Apple vs. FBI: I'm with Apple on this one

2016-03-09 2

“I side with Apple on this one,” Wozniak said, pointing out he’s a known human rights advocate and is one of the founders of non-profit digital rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). “The two phones owned by the people that aren’t even convicted terrorists didn’t have one link to a terrorist organization (…) so they wanna take this other phone, that they, the two didn’t destroy, that was a work phone…that’s so lame and worthless to expect something’s on it,” he told Conan O'Brien. “What if China says: Apple, you’ve got to give us a backdoor so we can get into any phone, even your government’s officials’ iPhones, and inspect them at any time. That’s wrong,” Wozniak concludes.