The bloodstained terrorist organization the PKK follows the ideologies of communism and, Stalinism

2016-03-07 3

KARTAL GOKTAN: One of the leaders of the PKK in Qandil, Bese Hozat, stated in hisarticle published in 'Yeni Özgür Politika' [A Kurdish newspaper published in Germany] thatthe HDP will benefit the most from an early election.


ADNAN OKTAR: He can't be serious. The only way the HDP will benefit from it is this - inorder to punish Tayyip Hodja, more people will vote for the HDP, it is true but (they'll vote forthem) not as a real party, but a virtual one. When Turkey weathers this storm, the PKK getscrushed, and Tayyip Hodja abandons the Presidency system, the HDP will be finished at thatvery moment like a sink full of water circling down the drain gurgling. I can draw anotheranalogy if they don't like this one. Let's say it will be like the waters of a dam lake draining away as the dam gates are opened: This is all an artificial boost. There is no such thing actually, there is no such party to call theHDP, people can trust me. Similar incidents h