VALENTINES DAY CANDY-Raw. Vegan. Not Gross Recipes

2016-03-07 21

1 jar coconut butter
3-4 beets
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
SPECIAL TOOLS: Candy Molds, Candy Sticks
White candy pops: Warm up coconut butter in hot water bath and stir until thoroughly combined. Pour directly into the mold, add candy sticks and freeze for 30 minutes
Pink candy pops: Peel and chop beets, add to a blender with small amount of water. Pour beet mixture into a cheesecloth to extract the beet juice. Fill dropper with beet juice. Pour warm coconut butter into a bowl and mix with 3-6 drops of beet juice. Pour pink coconut butter into candy mold, add candy sticks and freeze for 30 minutes.
Chocolate candy pops: Add 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder to warmed coconut butter and stir. Pour into mold, add candy sticks and freeze for 30 minutes.