Real Islam of our Super Natural Father Allah, Sun is Shariah-Free; whilst Inshmullah Islam is Not.
Hi Brother,
Yesterday, I went to Oxford University and over there the Professors were discussing political Islam. I raised my hand to tell them that Allah is Spirit and spirit set you Free of the Shariah Laws. So, the Real Islam of Allah, Sun, the Primary Source of Light is Shariah Free and politics is the field of Adam and his tribes. Allah is Light called NOOR and it needs a Pot, physical body, to live among us as Jesus was the physical body for Light Christ to live among us.
Thus, this secular world is of Adam and his sons and daughters and that is why the countries are named after the dominant tribe such as Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Uzbekhstan, Turkenministan, etc., and those who would be saved 144000 are all mentioned by their tribes and not as Jews, which is the spiritual self. When you replace your tribal self such as Judah with the spiritual self Jew as they have done in Israel, then by replacing your tribal self with other, you renounce your tribal identity in Adam of your foolishness and become a bastard worse than those born of the prostitutes or the temple dancing girls called Daassies. That is what Jesus presented to us in John 8 when the satanic Jews brought to him a woman caught in adultery that would have produced a natural bastard out of the fornication but those who were born of the legitimate parents when they replace their tribal identity Judah with spiritual self Jew, then they are not the natural bastards but the super natural fanatic bastards, the Devils worse than those natural bastards born of prostitutes - John 8v44. Natural bastards are called Mustard Seeds and when they devote their lives to the worship of God, they become a great Saint. Typical example of this is Saint Bidar in whose humble house Lord Krishna, the Prophet of Doapar Yug stayed to enjoy his company.
In this Dark Age, the supernatural bastard fanatic devils called Tares in Matt. 13v24-30 dominate and they cause worst of all atrocities as the Jews did to a Just and Righteous Son of Man Jesus that Abraham would have loved to honour Him.
That is why Jesus took a Virgin Birth among the most satanic people of Judah tribe and they were the one lost sheep which both John, the Baptist, the last Prophet Elijah (my god is Yahweh, the creator of male and female, which are subject to the moral laws that Prophets came to deliver) and Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of our souls from death and birth cycles, spent their most of the time in the Judea region to bring Salvation to them but only the daring righteous Remnants, the true sons of Abraham, came forward to join hands with Jesus. So, the Blood of Jesus was on the super bastard fanatic devils, the Tares, who killed Him out of blasphemy, which is not forgivable and their Temple, the Winepress, was taken away from them forever. That is, they cannot re-build the Temple.
Today, these Tares are getting bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning that is expected in May, 2023 when Israel shall be 1948 + 70 years of protection from USA and other European countries + Five years of grace in Christ Jesus = May, 2023. Our Father knows Best.
Like the Jews outwardly, so are these Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, etc., they are Tares taking part in politics that is the rightful tribal affairs and not the religious.
Abraham branded the sons of Satan in the Hajj ritual that used to be for the boys aged 12 to 16 to establish their tribal covenants with their tribal Ilah laid at the foot of Kabah, the Temple of Adam that has nothing to do with Allah. That is why the Mosque for Muslims devoted to the worship of Allah is called Masjidd Al-Haraam, that is highly forbidden to the young boys who have just entered the threshold of Islam by saying, “Say Islama, Eemaan hath not entered your heart yet”. The most high Satan is Al-Djmar Al-Aksa who is in the West leaning against a hillock of super bastard fanatic devils.
Now, Allah is Sun, the Primary Source of Light and our physical body is the Temple of Allah made by the most beautiful artist Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc., the creator of Nature, the Pots for holding the Light of our Father Allah. When we go by the Will of Allah in which you treat others as you wished to be treated, then your religion is Free of Shariah “INSHALLAH”. But when you go by the will of Mullah, Moon and star, sitting in a mosque made by human hands, then your blind religion is called “INSHMULLAH” and each Mullah will have different religions such as Shia and Sunni. Islam of Allah, Inshallah, is Universal whilst the Islam of Al-Djmar Al-Aksa satan Mullah is of Shariah, different and it has no roots in Allah.
I will make a Youtube Video explaining in details.
My ebook has been published by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO
In Jesus, we are to be solitary Royal Priests.