Featured App: Babar & Badous Musical Marching Band by Cupcake Digital

2016-03-04 3

Babar & Badous Musical Marching Band by Cupcake Digital is a universal app designed for iOS . The app features: read to me, read & play and quiet reading modes as well as playing three different games, and the ability to create using a music maker, coloring pages or simply singing along. The app features a parent lock which requires multiplication to access external links as well as a more apps section.\r
In the read to me version of the app, it features a traditional picture book style complete with word highlighting and animations which you can tap on to help bring the story to life. After the page is read, you can tap on specific words to hear them read aloud again. In the story, Badou helps Dilash and Tersh practice their music until they improve enough for the ambassador. They all practice for hours until the song is perfected enough for the palace. Once they finally arrive and assemble for the king, things begin seem to go off track. Dilash and Tersh begin to perform perfectly, while Crocodylus was angry that his prank to have them play the song poorly is foiled. The king and Babar enjoyed the song so much that they joined in to trumpet and thank Badou for all of his hard work and dance with joy. After reading the story, there is a grown-ups corner which features a series of discussion questions to talk about the story and think about the story which are linked to common core learning standards.