Top 4 Overpowered Anime Characters (HD)

2016-03-04 2

Here is my first Anime Ranking Video, please remember that this is only my opinion and that doesn´t mean, that there are not other nice overpowered characters .
Disclaimer: I do not own any content in the video. No copyright infringement is intended. This top 4 is based on my opinion so please respect it. :3 Enjoy :D.
15.Hei-Darker than black- 0:16 14.Maou Sadao-Hataraku Maou-sama!- 0:30 13.Akatsuki Ousawa-hagure yuusha no estetica- 0:44 12.Trigun- 1:01 11.
Watch in HD for best quality. This video is just my opinion so feel free to comment, rank or send a video response with your opinion. ___ Subscribe to my other .