In his address at the Raisina Dialogue, India’s Energy Minister Shri Piyush Goyal discusses the US-India WTO dispute over domestic content requirement for Indian solar modules.
The Minister explains how victory of the US in the dispute would mean a loss for the cause of clean energy across the world. It will harm solar missions, impacting not only clean energy production but also the huge job creating potential.
The Minister calls attention to India’s suo motu withdrawal of anti-dumping duty on solar products, despite having won a dispute against the US in the adjudication in the Commerce Ministry.
Withdrawing the anti-dumping duty shows that India is looking at the big picture. It marks India’s support to the global effort on climate change, while the US fails to respond with similar concern. The US protests against domestic manufacturing thrust in India, but continues to impose huge anti-dumping duties for their industries.
India will appeal against the WTO decision. In a post Paris COP21 context, it is desired that the West becomes more cognisant of its share in the damage to environment and follow up commitments with action and cooperation.