Powerpuff Girls Z Abridged Auditions - CLOSED

2016-03-02 6

Script Writer Position [CLOSED] [Taken by: toshikinightfox]\r
Blossom [CLOSED] [Taken by: Driatan17]\r
Bubbles [CLOSED] [Taken by: Driatan17]\r
Buttercup [CLOSED] [Taken By: Talim0BS]\r
The Professor [CLOSED] [Taken by: OriemoAbridgedseries]\r
Ken [CLOSED] [Taken by: 6SeptaG]\r
Poochi [CLOSED] [Taken By: Talim0BS]\r
The Rowdyruff Boys [CLOSED]\r
Brick [Self-Casted] [PowerpuffOldandZfan]\r
Boomer [CLOSED] [Taken by: PrincessofAnime1100]\r
Butch [CLOSED] [Taken by: VileKaizer]\r
Annie/Sedusa [CLOSED]\r
* (Annie) [CLOSED] [Taken by: MelissaHoll149]\r
* (Sedusa) [CLOSED] [Taken by: Driatan17]\r
Princess [CLOSED] [Taken by: MelissaHoll149]\r
Cody [Self-Casted] [PowerpuffOldandZfan]\r
Ms. Keane [CLOSED] [Taken by: PrincessofAnime1100]\r
Ms. Bellum [CLOSED] [Taken by: 0NeverNeverLand0]\r
The Mayor [CLOSED] [Taken By: toshikinightfox]\r
Gigi the Great [CLOSED] [Taken By: toshikinightfox]\r
Fuzzy Lumpkins [CLOSED] [Taken By: toshikinightfox]\r
Gangreen Gang [CLOSED]\r
Ace [CLOSED] [Taken by: Mr.666gothica]\r
Big Billy [CLOSED] [Taken by: Mr666gothica]\r
Arturo [CLOSED] [Taken by: Talim0BS]\r
Ivy [CLOSED: [Taken by: ThePagesAreViral]\r
Grubber [CLOSED] [Taken by: Mr.666gothica]\r
The Amoeba Boys [CLOSED]\r
Violet [CLOSED] [Taken by: RAnimeFreak]\r
Top Hat [CLOSED] [Taken by: toshikinightfox]\r
Pancho: [Self-Casted] [PowerpuffOldandZfan]