Grease Thunder Road Scene Short Version (Recreation GTA V Edition)

2016-03-02 25

Published on Jun 27, 2014

Sup guys! My Crew and I thought it would be fun to remake the Race scene from the movie Grease. On the video game Grand Theft Auto 5. Everything you see here is live game play. I preferably wanted to do this to learn more on editing and also to make a family member of mine who is really ill. Happy and forget abt things for a bit. We worked 3 days recording all this and it took me abt another 3 to edit it. Alot of hard work! But we all had fun! Hope you enjoy and share with your friends.

Here is the original scene.....

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The Cemetery Rust Games Official Crew (Cemetery Rust, C0MMANDERKIWI, Guineemafia96, C0untryg1rl707, FAYG0 L0V3R 69)

Recording and edited by Cemetery Rust

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