Cat Being Combed By a Tooth Brush

2016-03-02 15

Okay so this is my cat, Polly. This video was taken when I was trying to revise for my exams and Polly decided to interfere. (From other videos I've seen, Polly's ...

Abby the cat loves getting her teeth brush with the electric toothbrush.

To buy this terrific grooming tool click here The SBD Double Back Deshedding Grooming Brush Tool is an effective new device for ...

Gobi and his adventures...getting his teeth brushed with an electronic toothbrush.

This is our cute kitty Tator-tot getting shocked by a trick toothbrush.

This sleepy cat doesn't want to get out of bed and would rather enjoy having his hair combed by a tooth brush. Hi and welcome to Daily Picks and Flicks – viral ...

Buy CET Poultry Toothpaste, 70 gm Toothpaste used in this video: How to Brush Cat Teeth - Ragdoll Cat Gets His Teeth Brushed ...

Zeppo, our two year old cat loves to have his teeth brushed. We trained him by getting him to taste and enjoy the flavor of poultry flavored toothpaste, and then ...

Cat Being Combed By a Tooth Brush

Cat Being Combed By a Tooth Brush