Employee Evaluation Form - Improve Job Performance with Evaluation

2016-03-02 15

The Employee Evaluation Form is a detailed report used by companies to conduct annual employment performance evaluations. The Employee Evaluation Form provides sections for self-evaluation, goal setting, manager evaluation, and interactive scoring table.

An employee evaluation is an opportunity for managers and employees to place their respective roles into prospective, and an evaluation form provides the framework for accomplishing this. There are many sources available to find free samples and templates of employee evaluation forms. Provides a succinct description of employee reviews in addition to a sample that includes the detailed information. The sample available here includes areas for the reviewer to detail strengths, areas for development, goals and previous goals and objectives. It also includes considerations for naming the document, advising reviewers that names like evaluation and review can be seen as intimidating.

The website advises reviewers to create a term that fosters a more collaborative and less intimidating attitude for both the reviewer and the employee. In addition to the blank sample, this site also provides a document with sample content included to demonstrate the use of this form of employee review. A sample of an employee's self-appraisal form is also included to demonstrate its use as part of the employee review process.