Baby Alive Frozen Elsa Makeover with Freezing Powers freezes Kylo Ren. DisneyToysFan.

2016-03-02 17

Baby Alive Makeover into Frozen Elsa, Baby Alive Freezes Hans, Maleficent and Mother Gothel. \r
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Just when you think Baby Alives adventures couldnt get any crazier, we make her over into Queen Elsa from Frozen. With her newly found Frozen inspired outfit and blond braided hair, the Baby Alive doll suddenly finds herself with Elsas awesome freezing powers. So when Baby runs into a very rude Hans in Arendelle, you already know what will happen. Baby Alive Freezes him right in his tracks. From there Baby decides that it would be fun to freeze other villains as well. Watch and see Baby Elsa use her freezing powers on Mother Gothel, Maleficent, and she even travels to outer space to pay Star Wars The Force Awakens Kylo Ren and his light saber a visit and experiences the force. \r
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