Tom and Jerry are fictional characters that starred in a series of early sound cartoons produced by the Van Beuren Studios, and distributed by RKO Pictures. The series lasted from 1931 to 1933. When Official Films purchased the Van Beuren library in the 1950s, the characters were renamed Dick and Larry to avoid confusion with Tom and Jerry, the famous MGM cartoon series of the 40s and 50s.\r
The Royal Experimental Society has selected volunteers Tom and Jerry to blast off to the moon in a rather small rocket. The Society chief (speaking in trombonese) expresses enthusiasm for the event and launches the rocket. Unfortunately, it does not make it to the moon, but rather heads down into the ocean. There, our boys encounter an assortment of fish. When Tom strikes the first, it shouts Mama! summoning several other bizarre sea creatures to the scene. Next our heroes meet a skeleton fisherman, who repeatedly catches and swallows a single fish, only to have it escape through his ribcage and get caught and consumed again. Tom and Jerry then enter a wrecked ship, filled with dozens of beautiful mermaids and an ugly caricature of Texas Guinan (special thanks to Cole Johnson for identifying this actress). Our boys sing Oh, How Wed Like to Own a Fish Store while an Irish finnan haddock and a Jewish gefilte fish dance in tune. Suddenly, Neptune signals the alarm, and a line is sent down by the Experimental Society scientists. When they reel it up again and find Tom and Jerry aboard, hugging a pair of mermaids, they release the line and jump in themselves, hoping for more of the same!\r
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