Chris Rock's slant against the yellows takes a downward slope at the Oscars

2016-03-01 8

LOS ANGELES — Comedian Chris Rock used his time as the 2016 Academy Awards host to intelligently poke fun at a host of racially charged topics Monday night. He covered everything from the #Oscarsowhite controversy to Hollywood's "sorority racism" and almost took the Academy's diversity drive decades forward. That was until he threw in a cheap gag about Asian kids being good with numbers. At one point during the evening, the 51-year-old brought out three Asian children in tuxedos, calling them his accountants. The joke was a play on the stereotype that Asians perform well in math. During the skit Rock said, "If anybody is upset about that joke, just tweet about it on your phone, which was also made by these kids." Critics say that the joke was a reference to child labor in Asia, the BBC reported. "Race relations are not a black-white binary," remarked Mee Moua, head of Asian Americans Advancing Justice, to the BBC. The ceremony came under fire earlier this year after it emerged that all nominees in the acting categories were white. Black actors used the #Oscarssowhite on Twitter in protest. It wasn't only Rock who slanted Asians, Sacha Baron Cohen got in on the act as well. While presenting in his Ali G persona, the British actor referenced Minions — the popular yellow characters from film "Despicable Me" — in an apparent barb against Asians' work ethic and penile endowment. Prominent Asian American basketball star Jeremy Lin took to Twitter to criticize the event. "Seriously though, when is this going to change? Tired of it being 'cool' and 'ok' to bash Asians," a tweet from the 27-year-old's official Twitter account read.


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