Filipino Animated Film - Andong Agimat: Kanya ang Kalye

2016-02-29 5

** Best Animation, 1-5 min. Short Film Category, 7th Animahenasyon (Philippine Animation Festival) — November 22, 2013, Iloilo City, Philippines\r
** Special Jury Prize, 7th Animahenasyon (Philippine Animation Festival) — November 22, 2013, Iloilo City, Philippines\r
As a graphic novelist, Ive always been frustrated with the limitations of the static comic book page. I wanted to see my drawings in motion and have the luxury to set them to sound and particularly music. Armed with experience from the many flip books I made as a kid, I managed to make my very first animated film, Andong Agimat: Kanya ang Kalye (The Streets are His).. Its only 4 minutes long but it took around two weeks to make. I really had fun working on this and I hope youll enjoy watching it. :)\r
*Andong Agimat is a character from my graphic novel Ang Mundo ni Andong Agimat ( He is a Pinoy superhero I created who wears a talisman that makes him invulnerable.