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Moronic Muslim shoots himself while cheerleading with a loaded rifle

2016-02-28 6

Moronic Muslim shoots himself while cheerleading with a loaded rifle. "Allahu Akbar!"
The truth about the so-call "Syrian refugees"

Muslim terrorism worldwide http://freedompost.org/terrorism/muslim-terrorism-worldwide-2015.html

Muslim terrorism in U.S. http://freedompost.org/terrorism/terrorism-in-us-since-9-11.html

Islamophobia is an oxymoron: http://freedompost.org/islam/deception/islamophobia-is-an-oxymoron.html

The Muslim race card: http://freedompost.org/islam/deception/muslim-race-card.html

Civilization Jihad aka Stealth Jihad in action: http://freedompost.org/islam/deception/civilization-jihad-aka-stealth-jihad.html

Violent jihad in action: http://freedompost.org/terrorism/muslim-terrorism-worldwide-2015.html

Hussein Obama, the Muslim-In-Chief

The carnage Muslims have been inflicting on non-Muslims (Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus) and even among themselves, across the Muslim world, for centuries (http://freedompost.org/media/islam-killed-most-people.jpg), and recently in the non-Muslim world and in the West, is indeed astounding.