Meteorologist green screen fail during weather report

2016-02-28 4

Subscribe LA meteorologist suffers hilarious green screen fail when her dress blends into her map - but chivalrous anchor steps in to save the day by giving her his jacket She wore a light blue dress that started to blend in with the weather map The dress lit up and temperatures from the map were displayed on it . In her line of work, the dress she chose was literally the wrong color as it instantly lit up and the temperatures were projected on the dress. The video begins on camera in front of the weather map and as she begins to talk about the weather, she notices her dress. 'Oh I'm going to have to change, look at this. That's a bummer. I thought it was light enough,' she said. He took off his suit jacket and helped her put it on. Toward the end of the video she started dancing around and sporting his oversized jacket. After a few laughs and jokes about how huge the jacket was on her, she attempted to run through the forecast.