Facebook Like Button Added New Love,Sad,Angry,haha And Wow Emojis Feature

2016-02-28 10

Facebook, the social networking giant has launched the new feature that’s an extension of the ‘like’ button, to give you more ways to share your reaction to a post in a quick and easy way.
In past days when you could only ‘like’ your loved one’s Facebook post, even when you wanted to convey more to him/her.
Now with ‘Reactions’, hold down the ‘like’ button on your mobile phone, or hover over the “button on the desktop, to convey five new emoticons — love, haha, wow, sad or angry.
For a long time, Facebook users have already been requesting a dislike option, but Facebook has rather given them lively emoji switches.
“We have been testing ‘Reactions’ in a few markets since a year ago, and have received positive-feedback so far.
We’re now excited to offer it to everyone who uses Facebook around the globe,” Samantha Krug, merchandise manager at Fb, said in a weblog post.
“We will keep on studying and playing comments, to make sure we possess a group of reactions that will be useful for everybody,” Krug added.